News and analysis – Page 26
Creativity in the curriculum
Researchers from Durham University investigate what teachers understand by creativity and how they nurture 'creative thought' among their students in science lessons
Medicinal natural products: a biosynthetic approach (3rd edn)
John Mann reviews the new edition
Along came a spider
In August, the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) relaunched ChemSpider, an online chemistry search engine the Society acquired in May. The host of ChemSpider Antony Williams explains what this resource can offer chemistry teachers and their students
Applied Science - where next?
Nuffield Foundation report highlights growing uptake of Applied Science courses at Key Stge 4 and issues with A-level Applied Science as a progression route for students post-16
CFOF the way forward
The RSC is set to continue to manage several Chemistry for Our Future projects including the teacher fellow scheme and Spectroscopy in a suitcase
Teaching Science to Refugee Learners
Based on a small-scale study Australian researchers have produced materials designed to help science students for whom English is a second language
Working Memory
Research shows that students perform better when they are taught using resources designed to engage their working memory
New websites
Netgains: 'Cutting vehicle pollution' - school science resource and 'Beschoice' virtual learning environment extends to GCSE Science
RSC takes chemistry teachers to Barcelona
A group of teachers from the UK visit three different organisations based in Barcelona to get first-hand experience of industrial processes
Solid silica sponge
Chemists in Singapore and Sweden synthesise unique silica material with sponge like properties which could have applications in separation science, catalysis and drug delivery
The chemistry PhD experience
This autumn sees the launch of 45 Doctoral Training Centres (DTCs) in science and engineering in 20 universities across the UK
To infinity and beyond
Some of the most fascinating discoveries in chemistry have taken place among distant stars light years from Earth, in the clouds of cosmic dust and gas that separate these far off worlds from our own
Faraday's hot science in the ultracold
Promising new research into the properties of molecules close to absolute zero could offer up new insights into the nature of matter
GCSE criteria under scrutiny
Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) launches consultation into the GCSE science criteria which could lead to a radical overhaul of specifications
Gold standard diagnosis
Chemists use gold nanoparticles to help medics detect a marker molecule for prostate cancer
A day in the life of an advanced scientist: Donna Palmer
Dan has spent the past 18 months working as an advanced scientist for 3M Healthcare. He talks to Rachel Bolton-King about his typical day
Making green cement
Portuguese researchers use waste products from the paper industry to produce greener cement
The Mole
Hang time: could you use a hose pipe to break a fall of 10 metres?
On screen chemistry with Jonathan Hare
Chemistry Week 2009
The Royal Society of Chemistry's (RSC) Chemistry Week 2009 will run from 7-15 November with food as its theme