Resources for teaching 9-11 years

Discover resources for teaching primary science to pupils aged 9-11 years.

Chemical changes

Photo of a traditional cooking stove that burns wood under a cooking pot

Pollutants produced by chemical changes | 9–11 years

Connect your curriculum teaching on chemical changes to engaging sustainability contexts. This topic web suggests classroom activities linked to plastic degradation and clean cooking. 

Photo of a jam jar, teaspoon, vinegar bottle and purple plastic glove

Irreversible changes and the ‘freaky hand’

Try this investigation to get learners thinking about when an irreversible reaction produces a gas. Includes detailed teacher notes, classroom slides and a video demonstration.

Picture of an orange bath bomb fizzing under water

Making bath bombs

Learn how to make fizzing bath bombs using ingredients from your kitchen cupboards. Includes a video aimed at learners, kit list, instructions and explanation

Picture of chopped red cabbage

Red cabbage rainbows

In this activity, learners create rainbows using homemade red cabbage indicator paper. Includes video aimed at learners, kit list, instruction and explanation

picture of a blue lava lamp

Changing materials | Primary science video demonstrations

Material changes are demonstrated using fun examples: bouncy custard, bath bombs, burning candles, fire extinguishers, lava lamps and many more.


Burning: That’s Chemistry!

In association with

The ‘burning’ chapter from That’s Chemistry! This chapter looks at key ideas and activities that can be used to help students learn that when materials are burned new materials are formed, and that this process in not reversible. 

photo of boy and mother experimenting with mixtures and solutions

Mixing and changing: primary science podcasts

Introduce your students to mixing and separating mixtures, and investigating reversible and irreversible changes with this short podcast.


Irreversible changes: That’s Chemistry!

In association with

The ‘irreversible changes- chemical reactions’ chapter from That’s Chemistry! This chapter looks at key ideas and activities that can be used to help students learn how non-reversible changes result in the formation of new materials.

Separating mixtures

Picture of kitchen roll

Kitchen roll chromatography

Coloured inks can be a mix of a few different colours, and with chromatography, learners can actually see which colours come together to make that coloured ink. This experiment includes a kit list, and safety instructions. 

Picture of a modern kitchen

Separation techniques

An experiment into separating solids from liquids, using a range of simple household objects. Includes kit list, safety instructions and a great instructional video

Photo of oil, water and sand separated in a beaker

Separating mixtures | Primary science video demonstrations

Fun demonstrations of different mixtures, including racing liquids and rainbow colours.

picture of water

Liquids | Primary science video demonstrations

Demonstrate the properties of liquids to primary learners, including: suspended ice, heavy sugar and the particle disco.


Chromatography: how black is a black pen?

Black never goes out of style, and with this experiment learners can explore what colours go into making black ink with chromatography

White powder image

White powder mix-up at the factory

Learners create their own chemical investigative company, and solve the mystery of the white powder mix-up. Includes kit list, and safety instructions. 

Muddy water in glass image

Water for survival | 11-16 years

Practical problem-solving investigation including filtration, distillation and temperature. Includes kit list and safety instructions.

sawdust image

Separating sand, sawdust and salt

Sand, sawdust and salt will mix in interesting ways, and learners will need to use all their chemical knowledge to separate them, ready for Mrs Johal’s next class. Includes kit list and safety instructions. 


Photo of the inside of a mobile phone

Decaying and materials in mobiles | 9–11 years

Connect your curriculum teaching on materials to engaging sustainability contexts. This topic web suggests classroom activities linked to the materials found in mobile phones and how different materials decay.


Mixing and dissolving materials: That’s Chemistry!

In association with

The ‘mixing and dissolving materials’ chapter from That’s Chemistry! This chapter looks at key ideas and activities that can be used to help students learn that mixtures are made up of more than one substance and that some mixtures can be separated.


Heating and cooling materials: That’s Chemistry!

In association with

The ‘heating and cooling materials’ chapter from That’s Chemistry! This chapter looks at key ideas and activities that can be used to help students learn how the properties of some materials change when they are heated, and that some of these changes are irreversible.

picture of chocolate melting with a square of chocolate in the middle of melted chocolate

Kitchen chemistry: primary science podcasts

Join Kareena and her superhero friend K-mistry for this short podcast introducing children to irreversible changes

An image showing a heatmap of a person in a jacket

Insulation investigation

Which material makes the warmest jacket? Investigate the insulating properties of various materials with this activity for ages 7–14

chunks and curls of dark and milk chocolate

Temper, temper: edible experiments

Why is tempering chocolate so important? Discover the importance of chemistry in everyday eating experiences with this edible experiment.

A preview of two element Top Trumps cards

Elements Top Trumps

A fun way to introduce the elements in the periodic table.

Man on a beach with sunscreen on his back

Sunscreen and UV light

A fun demo to teach about UV light and the action/importance of sunscreen


Photo of two electric cars plugged into a charging station

Sustainability contexts for primary science

Find out how to teach science curriculum topics through engaging sustainability contexts. Our topic webs include suggestions for classroom activities that develop numeracy, literacy and scientific skills. 

Photo of a traditional cooking stove that burns wood under a cooking pot

Pollutants produced by chemical changes | 9–11 years

Connect your curriculum teaching on chemical changes to engaging sustainability contexts. This topic web suggests classroom activities linked to plastic degradation and clean cooking. 

Solids, liquids and gases

Photo of a glass of cola with ice in. Next to the glass is seven teaspoons with sugar on.

Dissolving, density and sugary drinks

Try this investigation to get learners exploring the mass of sugar dissolved in their favourite drinks, with detailed teacher notes, classroom slides and a video demonstration.

photo of a blue bath bomb surrounded by blue and pink bubbles

Fizzy irreversible changes and bath bombs

Try this investigation to explore irreversible reactions, with detailed teacher notes, classroom slides and a video demonstration.

Photo of honey running off a honey dipper back into the jar

Viscosity and ‘racing’ liquids

Try this investigation to get learners talking about properties of different liquids, with detailed teacher notes, classroom slides and a video demonstration.

Curriculum maps

Primary curriculum guide

England national curriculum guide: key stage 2 science

A linking document for primary science teachers in England, which maps Royal Society of Chemistry resources to statements from the key stage 2 science sampling framework, which aligns with the national curriculum science programmes of study.


Wales national curriculum guide: key stage 2 science

Use this document when planning schemes of work or when looking for resources that are related to specific national curriculum statements.

Open book with a Scottish flag behind it

Scotland curriculum for excellence guide: early to second level science

A linking document for primary science teachers in Scotland, which maps Royal Society of Chemistry resources to experiences and outcomes from the Curriculum for Excellence. 

Complex connections mind map

English chemistry curriculum map

Use this map to get an overview of the English chemistry curriculum, from primary to undergraduate level.

Blackboard and post it notes in the shape of a mind map

Northern Ireland chemistry curriculum map

Plan your implementation and delivery of the Northern Irish chemistry curriculum, whether you teach at foundation phase or undergraduate level. 

Science ideas webs


Space: science ideas webs

A web of suggested ideas for linking science with the topic space. You can learn history and science together with activities for different age groups.


The Victorians: science ideas webs

A web of suggested ideas for linking science with the topic the Victorians. You can learn history and science together with activities for different age groups.


The Stone Age: science ideas webs

A web of suggested ideas for linking science with the topic the stone age. You can learn history and science together with activities for different age groups. 


Maya and Aztecs: science ideas webs

A web of suggested ideas for linking science with the topic the Maya and Aztecs. You can learn history and science together with activities for different age groups. 


The Romans: science ideas webs

A web of suggested ideas for linking science with the topic the Romans. You can learn history and science together with activities for different age groups. 


Ancient Egypt: science ideas webs

A web of suggested ideas for linking science with the topic Ancient Egypt. You can learn history and science together with activities for different age groups.