Steps into Science

Inspiration, support and resources for primary teaching

Latest resources

  • Six pictures of various scientists carrying out their job roles

    STEM careers and skills activities

    Introduce primary learners to STEM careers and encourage them to explore their own skills. Includes a game, colouring poster, fact files and teaching notes.

  • Photo of two electric cars plugged into a charging station

    Sustainability contexts for primary science

    Find out how to teach science curriculum topics through engaging sustainability contexts. Our topic webs include suggestions for classroom activities that develop numeracy, literacy and scientific skills. 

  • Photo of bicarbonate of soda, a teaspoon and a purple plastic glove

    Primary science investigations

    Exciting, simple experiments to engage learners with key topics in primary science, featuring classroom slides, teaching notes and video demonstrations. Links to the resources in English, Welsh and Irish.

Upcoming events

Teacher with two primary pupils working on a STEM project

Science capital and STEM careers

Monday 9 June, 4–5pm BST, online

Upcoming events

Teacher with two primary pupils working on a STEM project

Science capital and STEM careers

Monday 9 June, 4–5pm BST, online

Resources in Welsh

Photo of bicarbonate of soda, a teaspoon and a purple plastic glove

Ymchwiliadau gwyddoniaeth cynradd

Arbrofion syml a chyffrous i ennyn diddordeb dysgwyr mewn pynciau allweddol ym maes gwyddoniaeth cynradd, sy’n cynnwys sleidiau dosbarth, nodiadau dysgu ac arddangosiadau fideo.

Photo of two electric cars plugged into a charging station

Cyd-destunau cynaliadwyedd ar gyfer gwyddoniaeth gynradd

Cyfle i ddarganfod sut i addysgu pynciau gwyddoniaeth ar gyfer y cwricwlwm drwy ddefnyddio cyd-destunau cynaliadwyedd. Mae ein gweoedd pynciau yn cynnwys awgrymiadau ar gyfer gweithgareddau yn yr ystafell ddosbarth sy’n datblygu sgiliau rhifedd, llythrennedd a gwyddoniaeth.

Resources in Irish

Photo of bicarbonate of soda, a teaspoon and a purple plastic glove

IniĂşchtaĂ­ eolaĂ­ochta na bunscoile

Turgnaimh shimplĂ­ spleodracha chun spĂ©is na bhfoghlaimeoirĂ­ a mhĂşscailt sna prĂ­omhthopaicĂ­ in eolaĂ­ocht na bunscoile, turgnaimh lena ngabhann sleamhnáin don seomra ranga, nĂłtaĂ­ don mhĂşinteoir agus taispeántais fĂ­seáin. 

Photo of two electric cars plugged into a charging station

Comhthéacsanna inbhuanaitheachta le haghaidh eolaíocht na bunscoile

Foghlaim faoin gcaoi le topaicí ón gcuraclam eolaíochta a theagasc trí chomhthéacsanna spéisiúla inbhuanaitheachta. Tugtar moltaí inár ngréasáin topaicí faoi ghníomhaíochtaí ranga a fhorbraíonn scileanna uimhearthachta, litearthachta agus eolaíochta.

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Female primary teachers works at her desk

Boost your knowledge

Boost your knowledge and confidence to teach primary school science. Browse CPD opportunities from the RSC and our partners, or find out about science news.

Primary school pupil shows off a model they've made from wood and plasticine

Beyond the classroom

Explore opportunities to enrich your pupils' science learning. Find out about competitions and challenges, or try out our resources for home learning.

A white piggy bank with glasses sits on top of a file of different coloured books

Get funding

Find out about funding opportunities for projects and equipment

With thanks

Logo: Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851

Steps into Science has been generously supported by a grant from the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851