Inspiration, support and resources for primary teaching
Introduce primary learners to STEM careers and encourage them to explore their own skills. Includes a game, colouring poster, fact files and teaching notes.
Find out how to teach science curriculum topics through engaging sustainability contexts. Our topic webs include suggestions for classroom activities that develop numeracy, literacy and scientific skills.
Exciting, simple experiments to engage learners with key topics in primary science, featuring classroom slides, teaching notes and video demonstrations. Links to the resources in English, Welsh and Irish.
Monday 9 June, 4–5pm BST, online
Monday 9 June, 4–5pm BST, online
Arbrofion syml a chyffrous i ennyn diddordeb dysgwyr mewn pynciau allweddol ym maes gwyddoniaeth cynradd, sy’n cynnwys sleidiau dosbarth, nodiadau dysgu ac arddangosiadau fideo.
Cyfle i ddarganfod sut i addysgu pynciau gwyddoniaeth ar gyfer y cwricwlwm drwy ddefnyddio cyd-destunau cynaliadwyedd. Mae ein gweoedd pynciau yn cynnwys awgrymiadau ar gyfer gweithgareddau yn yr ystafell ddosbarth sy’n datblygu sgiliau rhifedd, llythrennedd a gwyddoniaeth.
Turgnaimh shimplĂ spleodracha chun spĂ©is na bhfoghlaimeoirĂ a mhĂşscailt sna prĂomhthopaicĂ in eolaĂocht na bunscoile, turgnaimh lena ngabhann sleamhnáin don seomra ranga, nĂłtaĂ don mhĂşinteoir agus taispeántais fĂseáin.
Foghlaim faoin gcaoi le topaicĂ Ăłn gcuraclam eolaĂochta a theagasc trĂ chomhthĂ©acsanna spĂ©isiĂşla inbhuanaitheachta. Tugtar moltaĂ inár ngrĂ©asáin topaicĂ faoi ghnĂomhaĂochtaĂ ranga a fhorbraĂonn scileanna uimhearthachta, litearthachta agus eolaĂochta.
Steps into Science has been generously supported by a grant from the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851