A series of videos demonstrating various simple, fun practicals and demonstrations that you can use to teach separating mixtures
Each video shows how to carry out the demonstration and explains the science behind it. You don’t need any specialist equipment – all of the demonstrations use things you can buy in a supermarket.
Heavy sugar demonstration video
Investigate this topic with your learners
Use this demonstration as part of a class investigation on dissolving, density and ‘heavy’ sugar, with accompanying classroom slides and teacher notes.
Rainbow of colours demonstration video
Racing liquids demonstration video
Investigate this topic with your learners
Use this demonstration as part of a class investigation on viscosity and ‘racing’ liquids, with accompanying classroom slides and teacher notes.
Lava lamp demonstration video
Investigate this topic with your learners
Use this demonstration as part of a class investigation on gases, liquids and the ‘lava lamp’, with accompanying classroom slides and teacher notes.
Suspended ice demonstration video
Different dissolving demonstration video
Additional information
These videos are from the Catalyst Primary Science CPD series and are presented by Sue Halliday & Lorelly Wilson.
For more information, you can watch our introduction to the video series. Or you can watch Alan Heaton introduce the background to series, and thank the presenters.
Primary science video demonstrations
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Currently reading
Separating mixtures
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