Career options

Chemical scientists are developing solutions to society’s biggest challenges. You could help develop a life-saving vaccine. Or invent a new way to cut air pollution. Or create a new type of biodegradable plastic. Chemical scientists all over the world are working on climate change, human health, sustainable energy…issues that impact us all.

  • The chemical sciences workforce is projected to grow 30% faster than the overall UK labour market over the next 10 years (2022-2032).
  • Chemical scientists’ median salary is £38,590. That’s £7,500 more than the UK median average for other job postings. (Lightcast data 2023).
  • Chemical scientists have transferable skills that are required in a wide range of other careers.


  • shutterstock_562244602

    Job profiles

    Real-life stories from real-life chemical scientists. Find out what jobs in chemistry can involve and the qualifications that will get you there.

  • STEM_ambassadors

    What jobs can I do?

    Find out what you can do with a chemistry qualification.

  • employability_skills

    Employability skills

    Studying chemistry gives you skills that a wide range of sectors are looking for. Here are just a few examples.

  • what_will_i_earn

    What will I earn?

    A guide to chemical scientists’ salaries, based on real-life evidence. Plus find out how to learn more.

  • Mature male with a small group of male and females, he is using a bore micrometer and a vernier to measure. Standing in a confined dim lit area surrounded by machinery.

    Work experience

    There’s nothing like hands-on experience. Here’s how to find it, with a list of organisations you can contact.

  • do_i_need_chemistry

    Do I need chemistry to …

    You’ve got a chemistry A-level or equivalent but will it help you study medicine, dentistry or pharmacy – or become a vet?


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Changing lives

There are so many areas of human and animal health – developing medicines, cutting air pollution, working in antibiotic resistance, progressing medical devices and prosthetics – in which chemistry plays a vital role, prolonging and improving life.

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Fixing the future

Chemical scientists with their eye on the bigger picture: meet those who work to relieve the increasing pressures on the world’s resources.

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Challenging opinions

A collection of short videos showcasing chemical science careers that challenge current thinking.

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Being the catalyst

Chemical scientists sparking change: video profiles from industry, research, business and education.

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Innovating industry

Video snapshots of real-life chemists who are using their skills to help improve how industry runs.