What will I earn?

How much will I earn if I have a career in chemistry?

  • The 2023 What Do Graduates Do report showed that the average salary for chemistry graduates six months after graduation was £25,593. Chemistry graduates had the highest levels of full-time employment (55%), although this was comparable for all science subjects (physics, biology, sports science).
  • The Royal Society of Chemistry’s 2023 Pay & Reward survey showed a median salary of £50,000 for member-respondents. Early career members earned a median salary of £37,586. These results are based on the responses of 4,833 members of the Royal Society of Chemistry who completed the 2023 Pay and Reward Survey.
  • Nearly 36% of all chemistry graduates in 2022/23 became science professionals or associate professionals and technicians with the top five jobs including: chemical scientist, laboratory technicians, secondary teachers, management consultants and business analysts, and Chartered and certified accountants. 21.5% went onto further study to gain a master’s, PhD or postgraduate diploma or certificate (such as PGCE). Science graduates are in demand in sectors that seek to solve some of the biggest challenges that we face, such as human healthcare and environmental degradation, as we seek a sustainable future.
  • The contribution (direct, indirect and induced) of chemistry-using professionals to UK GDP was estimated to be £87 billion in 2019.
  • There are estimated to have been 275,000 chemistry-using jobs in the UK in 2019, with a further 425,000 jobs supported by this workforce throughout the UK economy. See Chemistry’s Contribution: Workforce trends and economic impact

Salaries depend on a large number of factors, including qualifications required, location, experience, size and type of the organisation.

Useful websites to find out more about chemistry jobs and salaries

Updated December 2023

Sterling coins and notes

What chemical scientists earned in 2023

The median salary increased from the 2021 results, but pay disparities remain.