Chemical scientists are game-changers in the game of life
Thinking ahead, making a difference, being the spark that triggers change and inspires others – all are part of the world of chemistry. And this is as true in education, as it is in policy making and business development.
Mike ensures that chemistry practicals run smoothly for everyone using the lab. He’s also involved in Manchester University’s apprenticeship scheme and attracting future technicians
Charley explains how he makes an impact by helping inventors get legal protection for their new inventions and medicines
Katie uses her chemistry background and works with scientists around the world to advance the chemical sciences by publishing the latest leading research in scientific journals
Sandrine works with teachers to design and safely prepare exciting classroom chemistry experiments
Kay teaches and oversees the work that goes on in a secondary school chemistry department
Mae Geertje yn addysgu myfyrwyr prifysgol ac yn arwain y gwaith o ddatblygu deunyddiau sydd wedi’u creu o facteria.
Geertje teaches university students and leads the development of materials made from bacteria
Tom identifies and unravels the mystery behind the rocks and minerals of Wales
Mae Tom yn canfod y dirgelwch y tu ôl i greigiau a mwynau Cymru.
Andy supports chemistry students to make good career decisions
Fernando uses his scientific knowledge to explain complex science to the public so they can understand and appreciate the value of these discoveries that are important to their everyday lives
Alice teaches in a secondary school chemistry department helping her students thrive in the future
Lucia analyses museum objects to help the Victoria and Albert Museum curators understand, date and authenticate them
Marcia updates shareholders, managers, staff and external market analysts with Unilever’s financial performance and strategy
Lorna’s role in finance gives her an overview of the household, healthcare and personal care products developed at her company
Hazel discusses her vital part in funding groundbreaking scientific research through the medical research council by assessing and discussing funding proposals with the council