Chemistry careers resources for teachers

Discover teaching ideas, careers resources and engaging activities to inspire your students and link chemistry careers to your curriculum

The Royal Society of Chemistry offers a range of resources to help you explore chemistry careers and qualifications with school and college students.

The activities, articles and resources listed on this page are designed to help your students understand the links between chemistry at school and careers that can make a difference to the world.

Featured careers articles and resources

Inspire your students to choose chemistry

Support your students to find out more about where chemistry can take them using these careers resources, including curriculum maps, posters, quizzes, presentations and more.

Download these to get started

Apprenticeships in the chemical sciences: watch this webinar

Link classroom chemistry to careers

Explore Education in Chemistry articles and resources on topics linking the curriculum to careers, and discover features full of careers guidance

A cartoon of women working in different areas of science

STEM is an attractive career prospect for young women and girls


The key is to use clever ways to get them engaged early

A diagram showing UVC breaking down oxygen gas into individual oxygen atoms that then combine with oxygen gas to make ozone. Ozone is broken down again by UVA and UVB

How to teach atmospheric chemistry at 14–16


Use these guiding questions to guarantee student understanding of this tricky topic

A pile of polystyrene takeaway food containers

Life cycle assessment of fast-food containers


Examining the environmental impact of single-use takeaway packaging

Example pages from teacher notes, student worksheets and classroom slides that make up this resource

Life cycle assessment: shopping bags | 14–16 years

Slides, scaffolded worksheets and teacher notes to introduce learners to life cycle assessments using a real-world example

Previews of the Electrochemical cells misconception buster student sheets and teacher notes, and a lemon battery

Electrochemical cells misconception buster | 16–18 years

Probe learners’ knowledge of setting up electrochemical cells, redox equations and calculations

Previews of the Pesticides and agricultural productivity calculations student sheets and teacher notes

Pesticides and agricultural productivity calculations | 14–16 years

Link food security to yield, percentage yield and atom economy

  • The changing post-16 landscape

  • Skills to succeed in the future chemical sciences workforce

  • Here’s how to showcase science careers students can aspire to

  • 7 ways to fuel curiosity in science careers

  • Why we need to show students teaching is a first-choice career

  • Levelling up access to science careers

Videos to inspire your students