EiC welcomes all Irish chemistry teachers as new readers

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Education in Chemistry is now available for the first time in all secondary schools, colleges and university teaching departments in Ireland.

The September 2013 issue should reach teachers within the week. Schools receive one copy of each issue, which is addressed to the head of chemistry; we ask that it passed on to all those who teach chemistry to 14-19 year-old students. 

Each university that offers an undergraduate degree-level course in chemistry, or with a course with a substantial chemical science content, receives three copies of each issue. These are addressed to the head of department, head of undergraduate teaching and the undergraduate admissions tutor for chemistry.

Karen J Ogilvie, editor of Education in Chemistry, said: 'I would like to welcome all teachers in Ireland as new readers. We actively support innovative teaching and sharing best practice, so please look out for your copy and join our community. I look forward to your contributions in the future.'

Teachers are encouraged to sign up for the EiC email alert and have new issues sent directly to their inbox. 

If schools believe that they have not received their copy of EiC, they should contact the editorial office.