The place to go for ideas and strategies on supporting your well-being and maintaining good mental health
How to achieve a work-life balance that works for you and keeps you mentally well
Educational psychologist Katy Goymour gives her advice on stress management
Teachers share their experiences with mental ill health
Sources of support for teachers experiencing mental ill health
Tell us what it’s like by taking part in the Science teaching survey, and we can improve our support for you
Find out why a chemistry teacher is still in the classroom and the rewards they find in teaching
How to not spend your holidays planning for the new term
Challenging but rewarding was the consensus in 2022, but let’s find out if that’s still the case
Recent surveys and statistics echo anecdotal evidence that teachers are overworked and stressed. And it’s no different for science teachers
Discover how one teacher stepped away from an unhealthy situation at a school to restore his mental health and teaching career
Discover our teacher well-being toolkit
If you’re a science leader and a Teach Chemistry member, our teacher well-being toolkit offers tips, techniques and resources for supporting teachers in your school
Advice and insight to help you find the perfect job
Helping you through financial pressures
What would you do if faced with early retirement after 30 years in the chemistry classroom?
Ask teachers the right questions at the right time to ensure they stay – and flourish
If you’re a teacher and RSC member, here’s how to get help with everything from your well-being to financial planning
A recent teacher trainee explains how the planning workload ruins the job they love
Helping science teachers and technicians gain job satisfaction, and helping department heads to understand their teams
Taking care of our mental health and well-being is all our responsibilities, every day
What keeps great science teachers in the classroom?
From a free helpline to peer support groups, Education Support is dedicated to improving teachers’ mental health and well-being
A first-person account of surviving and standing up to bullies
Four fab hacks to help you thrive in your first years of teaching science
Searching for a silver lining in the clouds on the education horizon
We think a lot about what students forget over the summer break, but what about teachers?
Experts answer questions about reducing teacher talk, NQT exhaustion and helping pupils whose test performance doesn’t match their classroom understanding
Let this Mental health awareness week be a reminder to appreciate and support yourself and your colleagues
Teachers report being stressed and not receiving enough guidance about their mental health. Is compulsory counselling the solution?
Looking back on 2020 what should we keep? asks EiC’s managing editor Paul MacLellan, tongue firmly in cheek