Great ideas for helping your students revise for science and chemistry exams
Consolidate knowledge, encourage independent learning and help students self-assess with this activity
Try these four low-stakes approaches to ensure your learners are equipped for learning – and exams
How a low-pressure support session can help your learners effectively prepare for exams
How to model effective exam cramming habits with your students
Model successful strategies and banish student anxiety
Improve students’ chemistry exam results and help them fulfil their potential
Try this approach to using exam questions for chemistry revision
Passing exams at 18 requires specific skills and strategies. Here’s how to support students to develop them
Tackle the revision bogeyman
Revising the role of exam questions
Have your students left it to the very last minute?
But only after cooking them at 80°C
Drawing is better than writing
Are your students staring at revision guides and fiddling with coloured pens?
Your favourites
Tips to prepare students for exams
How to best prepare for the 2018 A-level chemistry exam
Tom Husband ditches the assessment obsession
This is a very easy app to recommend as a starting point, or quick review, for any budding A-level chemists