SusChem launches online database of European education activities in sustainable chemistry

Signpost to European countries

Source: Jason Winter/Shutterstock

Suschem acts as a technology platform for chemistry in Europe

In September SusChem, the European technology platform for sustainable chemistry, launched an online database of European education activities in sustainable chemistry. The resource aims to:

  • provide concise information on existing and planned activities (publications, websites, workshops, lectures etc) and courses (from secondary school to PhD level) in sustainable chemistry;
  • support the development of new secondary school and university courses by disseminating best practice; and 
  • promote new collaborative activities and provide information about sources of funding. 

You can search the database by educational level, eg secondary school, bachelor, master etc, and by the type of educational activity. The database currently covers the UK, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain, but the aim is to extend coverage to all EU countries. Users are invited to submit materials and details of useful resources to the database by contacting the website.