59% of girls say that homework is the worst thing about school
Girlguiding UK, the UK's largest voluntary organisation for girls and young women, have launched the 2010 Girls' Attitudes survey. This comprehensive study of 1,200 girls and young women across the UK (not just those involved with guiding) will be of great interest to everyone working with young people. The survey looks at girls'attitudes under the broad headings of: education, training, skills and careers; the environment and world events; family and relationships; health and well-being; and society, culture and community.
- 59% of girls say that homework is the worst thing about school
- 79% of girls have been 'really stressed' by homework and exams
- Two-thirds of girls plan to stay in education until age 21
- Girls from ethnic minority backgrounds are far more likely to plan to stay in education than their white counterparts
- Only 7% of girls aged 16-21 think they are 'very healthy'
- 38% of girls are angry with adults for damaging the environment
- Half of all girls believe they are not given enough freedom to do things on their own
Speaking at a fringe meeting at the Labour party conference, Pamela Nash, MP for Airdrie and Shotts, praised the work of GirlGuiding in encouraging leadership and raising self-esteem. And Jennifer Sibley, Girlguiding UK young advocate said that Guides continued to value the girls-only space that guiding provided, especially when learning and practising practical skills.
Half of all women in the UK have been involved in guiding at some point in their lives.
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