ICT in practical science: new approaches to data collection and analysis

Cover of ICT in practical science: new approaches to data collection and analysis

John Dexter reviews this great resource for Key Stage 4

ICT in practical science: new approaches to data collection and analysis

Gatsby SEP

London: Gatsby SEP 2009 | Pp52 | £6.00 | ISBN 978 0 85404 190 9

Reviewed by John Dexter

A great 28-page resource aimed at Key Stage 4, that shows how ICT can enhance, but not substitute, practical work. The content covers collecting and interpreting first hand data, and is written by teachers and clearly recognises classroom constraints. Twelve activities are presented (such as Parachutes, Habitats, Pollution, Trainers, IndicatorsPhotosynthesis, etc) and each has four briefs: an introduction, an outline method, a way to make sense of the data (including questions/discussion points) and suggestions for further investigations. 

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