Time is running out for students to enter the RSC Bill Bryson Prize 2012

Bill Bryson

The competition is open to students aged 5-18 to create something which communicates any aspect of science relating to sport.

The winning entries from each category will receive a cash prize of £500 for their institution, and ?100 for the winning students to share. The closing date is 31 March 2012.

This competition is an opportunity for students to celebrate the role that science and chemistry plays in supporting sport around the world. Boosting a competitor's performance through improved nutrition, ensuring the integrity of competition by uncovering cheats and providing sportsmen and women the latest and most advanced equipment they need to excel, all rely on the uses and applications of chemistry and offer a rich vein of scientific ideas for entrants to explore.

To find out more, and to see the winning entries from the 2011 competition, visit the Bill Bryson Prize page on the RSC website.

Also of interest

The Bill Bryson Prize 2014

A science communication award from the RSC - aimed at primary and secondary school pupils