During June and July, the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) will be hosting INSET events for chemistry teachers

A teaching workshop

Source: iStock

During June and July, the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) will be hosting INSET events for chemistry teachers. In Bristol, York and London on 6 June, 27 June and 7 July respectively, the RSC will run Chemistry for the gifted and talented - a practical approach, a one-day teachers' workshop on enriching and extending the chemistry curriculum. Participants will be shown activities designed to extend student learning at Key Stages 3 and 4, and A-level, by developing study skills in a chemical context, promoting higher-order thinking skills and improving communication and teamwork skills. 

Two industry study tours will offer teachers an insight into the industrial applications of chemistry. These residential courses focus on helping teachers to use industry-related learning material to enable students to relate science to everyday life. Participants on a tour of Cork scheduled for 8-13 June will visit an oil refinery and a distillery and learn about the chemistry and manufacture of Viagra. Teachers on a course based in Hull from 1-3 July will visit Croda Chemicals, find out about the chemistry behind Reckitt Benckiser household products, such as Gaviscon and Cillit Bang, and learn about the steel-making process at Corus, Scunthorpe.  

The RSC's The science of materials summer school will be held in London from 7-10 July. This residential event offers teachers the opportunity to update their knowledge of the chemistry of materials and see first-hand applications of materials science in action. The four-day course is supported by the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and the Armourers & Brasiers' Company, and hosted by universities across London. Biomaterials and their medical, dental and drug delivery applications; new materials for energy technology; and polymer processing are on the agenda. Visits to the Victoria and Albert Museum and to the National Gallery will show participants the techniques scientists use to maintain, renovate and preserve art and exhibits.

Contact and Further Information

Education Department 
Royal Society of Chemistry, Thomas Graham House, Milton Road, Science Park, Cambridge CB4 0WF, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1223 432221 
Fax: +44 (0)1223 423623 
Email: Education Department