The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) has announced that Chemistry Week 2013 will run from 16-23 November. The RSC and its members will organise events across the country to celebrate chemistry and chemical scientists. 


Schools, colleges and universities are urged to save the date in their diaries and plan activities to coincide with and complement national and local events. 

This year's theme is health, which includes ageing, hygiene, lifestyle, nutrition and future health (including global pandemics). 

Pauline Meakins, RSC External Promotion Manager, said: 'Chemistry Week is a fantastic opportunity to promote a positive image of chemistry and improve the understanding of the vital role that it plays in keeping us healthy.' 

Further information will be released throughout the year. Keep an eye on the RSC website for details. 

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Chemistry Week

Chemistry Week is a celebration of the chemical sciences held in November, which historically occurs every two years