Registration has opened and submissions are invited for the fifth Eurovariety in Chemistry Education conference, which will be held at the University of Limerick, Ireland, 3-5 July 2013

The EU flag

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The theme Smarter teaching - better learning indicates an emphases on the use of research findings to improve the teaching and learning of chemistry at university and college level.

The Eurovariety conferences follow the tradition of the UK Variety in Chemistry Education (ViCE) conferences in encouraging chemists involved in teaching chemistry to share their experiences with and learn from colleagues from other institutions and countries. It is run under the auspices of the EuCheMS Division of Chemical Education and the RSC Higher Education Group.

Papers and presentations may deal with the practice of teaching chemistry, or with research into the teaching and learning of chemistry at degree or postgraduate level. This includes the secondary-tertiary transition, the promotion of chemistry to increase the uptake into third level chemistry courses and the training of chemistry teachers. 

The deadline for receipt of abstracts is 1 March 2013 and early bird registration closes 1 June 2013. For more information visit the Smarter teaching - better learning website. [Link no longer available]