Workshop on science careers

Flying with a jetpack

Source: Sorbetto/iStock

Opportunity for science teachers and career advisers to update their knowledge of university science courses and careers for science graduates

To support and enhance the  careers guidance students receive in schools and colleges, the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) will be running a new careers workshop, Science: opportunities in HE and beyond, at the Wellcome Collection Conference Centre, London, on 9 June 2008 and at the Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester, on 26 June 2008. Part of the HEFCE-RSC Chemistry for our future (CFOF) programme, these all-day events are hosted in association with UCAS and FutureMorph - the website of the Careers for science project run by the Science Council - and aimed at science teachers, year heads, sixthform tutors, and heads of careers working in schools and colleges in England. The workshops are designed to update participants knowledge of the HE science courses on offer to students and the career paths open to science graduates.  

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