Nuts and bolts of chemical education research

nuts and bolts of chemical education research cover

Colin Osborn reviews this text on publishing symposia quickly

Nuts and bolts of chemical education research

Diane M. Bunce and Renée S. Cole (eds)

Washington DC: ACS 2008 2009 | Pp239 | £44.00 | ISBN 978 0 84 126958 3

This book is one in a series published by the American Chemical Society which provides a mechanism for publishing symposia quickly. Although an outmoded way of disseminating information, the benefit of the approach is the logical progression from the first article, which is a guide on using the book to find answers to chemical education questions.

The book covers topics such as recurring themes in chemical education research, methodologies, assessment of student learning which includes constructing meaningful tests and the components of good research questions. One theme of the book is the need for theory to underpin research. There is a step-by-step guide to writing a funding proposal which, despite the US bias of the book, will be of interest to chemical education researchers in the 

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