S. O. C. Matondo reviews this teaching guide, applicable for key stage 3 and 4 students
Recycling and sustainability
Gatsby SEP
London: Gatsby SEP 2009 | Pp52 | £6.00 | ISBN978 1 901351 81 1
Reviewed by S. O. C. Matondo
This book is designed to support the teaching of recycling and sustainability at Key Stage 4. Included is material applicable to applied science, biology, chemistry, and physics, much of which can also be adapted for able Key Stage 3 students.
The book explains the scientific theory behind all the activities, and gives experimental instructions for all the practicals.
This excellent resource is clearly linked to current GCSE specifications. The activities range from magnetic separation to sorting polymers by density and using infrared. Every activity has clear learning objectives, notes and a list of resources required, and can be used for students of all abilities. Pupil activity sheets are also included .
I recommend this book both to new and to experienced teachers.
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