Bringing science teaching to life

Reading University

Source: © University of Reading

Sam Holyman tells us what she’s looking forward to at the ASE annual conference 2017

At this time of year, I find we can get bogged down with tinsel, carol concerts and reports. As we enter the last throws of term, the break in the timetable can allow us to try some new techniques and practical work in our teaching. This is where organisations like the Association for Science Education (ASE) come into their own, with many fabulous ideas online we can use straight away in the classroom.

The ASE annual conference brings the faces behind the ASE to life. This flagship event, in 2017 at the University of Reading, is an action-packed four days. Like-minded science teachers, academics and others interested in STEM teaching get together to ‘chew the fat’, share ideas and look at the latest innovations. I relish the chance to find out what’s new in science teaching.

Sam Holyman tells us why she’s looking forward to the ASE annual conference this year.

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