Use these teaching tips to develop learners’ numeracy confidence and apply their skills to science contexts

Cartoon of a person sturggling to separate two objects shaped like an 8 and a 9

Source: © Emma Hanquist/Ikon Images

Struggling with numbers and equations can often overwhelm learners, meaning you need to give specific support to build their strength in maths and science

Do you have students who panic when you ask them to use numbers or equations? Or perhaps they can manage a calculation in a maths problem, but are unable to apply that skill in a science context? Data from 2018–2019 showed that 10% of eight to 13 year-olds suffered from maths anxiety, with that number rising to 36% of 15 to 24 year-olds.

Adapt your teaching to ensure learners with maths concerns feel fully supported

Do you have students who panic when you ask them to use numbers or equations? Or perhaps they can manage a calculation in a maths problem, but are unable to apply that skill in the science context? Data from 2018–2019 showed that 10% of eight to 13 year-olds suffered from maths anxiety, with that number rising to 36% of 15 to 24 year-olds (pdf:

So, this is clearly an issue in our classrooms and one we need to address to best support our pupils. There are three strategies which I’ve found effective in helping my students access the maths sections of exam papers which I’d like to share with you. You may have heard of these methods, and perhaps use them already, but these are the ones I have found have a positive impact on all learners.

1. Teach a simple method

Many pupils struggle with where to start with a maths-based problem. My favourite method to support equation-based questions is to use the FIFA method developed by Gethyn Jones.

Many pupils struggle with where to start with a maths-based problem. My favourite method to support equation-based questions is to use the FIFA method developed by Gethyn Jones (

F = Formula

I = Insert values

F = Fine tune

A = Answer

Let’s take a simple example of rates of reaction:

‘A particular reaction uses 3 grams of reactant per second. If the reaction takes 7 seconds, how many grams of reactant does the reaction use?’

Formula – pupils determine and write down the formula they will need:

Mean rate of reaction (g/s) = amount of reactant used (g) / time taken (s)

Insert values – pupils determine from the question where each number goes:

3 g/s = amount of reactant used (g) / 7 s

Fine tune – pupils rearrange the equation to make the unknown value the subject:

3 × 7 = amount of reactant used (g)

Answer – pupils state the answer:

21 g = amount of reactant used

This method works for all types of equations, including more complex exponential functions or multi-part equations. Learners can therefore apply it to different contexts and it doesn’t increase cognitive load as other methods, such as formula triangles, might.

This method works for all types of equations, including more complex exponential functions or multi-part equations. Learners can therefore apply it to different contexts and it doesn’t increase cognitive load as other methods, such as formula triangles, might (

2. Model worked examples

Worked examples, explained using the board, can help learners understand the steps they need to take to solve a mathematical problem. I often start by talking them through a simple example, then move on to something more complex. We then do a calculation together in stages, using mini whiteboards for the whole class to feed back their understanding. This also enables me to assess which students may need more support.

Worked examples, explained using the board, can help learners understand the steps they need to take to solve a mathematical problem ( I often start by talking them through a simple example, then move on to something more complex. We then do a calculation together in stages, using mini whiteboards for the whole class to feed back their understanding. This also enables me to assess which students may need more support.

3. Scaffold probelm solving

The FIFA method and modelling link into the idea of scaffolding our worksheets to build difficulty. Start with easier problems, with gaps for pupils to fill in, and slowly lead them to more complex ideas. The key is to avoid launching into calculations that may be beyond most of your class.

Possible pitfalls

Ensure you don’t make the anxiety worse. For students who struggle with maths, it is unlikely to be something they ‘just get over’ and these strategies, while helpful, may not address the underlying issues. It’s really important to bear this in mind as we support learners. Positive reinforcement is critical here, as is adapting your teaching to ensure students with maths concerns feel fully supported, and that they are able to enjoy the subject. Offer encouragement and acknowledge that finding maths difficult does not mean they are bad at science.

The idea of maths anxiety is becoming much more widely recognised as a field of importance and there is lots of great research underway. Hopefully this introduction to the area has given you some food for thought and helps you develop suitable strategies to build your students’ numeracy confidence. 

More like this

The idea of maths anxiety is becoming much more widely recognised as a field of importance and there is lots of great research underway ( Hopefully this introduction to the area has given you some food for thought and helps you develop suitable strategies to build your students’ numeracy confidence.

Joanna Pellereau

Turn over to read about another acronym for successfully solving calculations.