The feedback loop

Review 2 the feedback loop cover 630m

Circular assessment: using formative assessment data for science teaching and learning

The feedback loop
Erin Marie Furtak, Howard M Glasser and Zora M Wolfe
NSTA Press
2016 | 175 pp | £33.50 (PB)
ISBN 9781941316146

Effective feedback is recognised as crucial to student progress and as the key feature of effective learning. This book presents a feedback loop model through which the authors first explain the elements of the feedback loop and then how to use it.

My main job is to train teachers. One aspect that trainees find very difficult is planning for and implementing effective feedback and there is often a lack of existing practitioners demonstrating it. I hoped this book would provide an easy solution.

Andy Chandler-Grevatt reviews The feedback loop as a resource for teachers.

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