Use this vast, online spectroscopy resource to provide students with essential practice
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a versatile tool used in a wide range of scientific disciplines, including chemistry, materials science, biology and medicine.
Beyond structural elucidation, scientists use NMR spectroscopy to study reaction kinetics, reaction mechanisms and intermolecular interactions. Interpreting NMR spectra is a core skill and consequently an integral component of teaching post-16 spectroscopy.
Students first encounter NMR spectra in secondary school, where they use it to determine the structures of simple organic molecules as part of problem-solving style questions. As an information-rich technique, students can use multiple components of spectra to derive structural information, such as the number, intensity and shape of signals, the chemical shift and J-coupling constants. While often challenging, these questions can develop critical thinking skills.
In response to the limited number of educational resources available to practise NMR interpretation, researchers developed NMR Challenge, an online resource containing more than 500 real NMR spectra of 200 organic compounds. Users can submit solutions using a structure drawing tool and get confirmation of the correct solution.
In response to the limited number of educational resources available to practise NMR interpretation, researchers developed NMR Challenge (, an online resource containing more than 500 real NMR spectra of 200 organic compounds. Users can submit solutions using a structure drawing tool and get confirmation of the correct solution.
They identified many common mistakes, possibly reflecting students’ misunderstandings of the basic principles of NMR spectra
The creators of the site organised the problems by complexity. The basic level contains 148 1D spectra (1H, 13C and 19F) and are appropriate for secondary school students. The advanced level contains 2D spectra. Within the basic and advanced levels, there is further classification: easy, moderate and hard.
In a new paper, the researchers – who developed the site – analysed the success rates of all 200 tasks on NMR Challenge, consisting of more than 428,000 solutions from around the globe, the largest database of responses to NMR assignments. Through this analysis, they identified many common mistakes, possibly reflecting students’ misunderstandings of the basic principles of NMR spectra. The following three case studies summarise the main findings.
Interpreting the findings
Case study 1: when considering isomeric esters, the researchers found students to be competent in using spectral information to recognise molecular fragments, such as a monosubstituted benzene ring, an ethyl chain and the ester group. However, students were less able to use the chemical shift values to identify the connectivity of these fragments.
Case study 2: when considering substitution patterns in disubstituted benzenes, students only recognised para-substituted structures well. The more complex splitting pattern in the 1H spectrum for ortho- and meta-disubstituted benzenes is the likely cause. However, you can use the number of signals on 13C spectra to distinguish homodisubstituted benzenes, which learners rarely considered.
Case study 3: many spectra also included intramolecular interactions, for example the formation of a hydrogen bond between an exchangeable hydrogen atom (for example, OH) and a hydrogen bond acceptor (for example, O in carbonyl). Students often misidentified the increase in chemical shift in the exchangeable hydrogen as they principally used the 1H NMR spectra for identification and therefore did not draw the correct structures.
Teaching tips
Use NMR Challenge for free in your teaching and suggest it as independent practice for your students. The resource provides feedback on submission and informs the user if their answer is correct.
The study provides further analysis in the supporting information, including the most common mistakes. You can adapt this into an additional classroom activity based on simulated-peer assessment.
The researchers identify several key observations to consider when teaching NMR spectroscopy:
- Focus on tasks that consider isomeric structures, determining their structural fragments and connections.
- Compare spectra of esters with spectra of their alcohol and carboxylic acid starting materials.
- While students are able to recognise para-disubstituted benzene rings, ortho- and meta-disubstituted are more challenging. Help students become more familiar with recognising the multiplicity of hydrogen atoms in these systems with plenty of practice.
Z Osifová et al, J. Chem. Educ., 2024, 101, 2561–2569 (
Fraser Scott
Z Osifová et al, J. Chem. Educ., 2024, 101, 2561–2569 (

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