Four steps to better CPD

Climbing up a set of steps

Source: © serpeblu / shutterstock

How successful schools are prioritising professional development

Continuing professional development (CPD) is often seen as an add-on to teachers’ jobs. But evidence from schools and international research shows that embedding it in teachers’ day-jobs leads to better results, improved morale and a more resilient school. This requires an overhaul in the way CPD is planned and implemented, but the prize is great for schools that succeed in making it a core priority.

In 2015, the Teacher Development Trust worked alongside TES to commission a review of international research into what types of CPD really have long-term impact on students’ attainment. The Developing Great Teaching review identified the keys to success in CPD content, the process and the organisational culture within schools. The Department for Education’s teacher development expert group, that I chaired, built this research into the new standard for teachers’ professional development.

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