Bologna in sight?

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The House of Commons Education and Skills Select Committee launched an inquiry in November into the Bologna Process and its potential impact on UK HE

What are the implications of the Bologna Process for the UK HE sector? What are the implications of a three-cycle system for UK one-year masters programmes and short undergraduate courses? What is the level of awareness and engagement of UK universities in the Bologna Process? What is the broader impact of a more standardised HE system across Europe, in particular what are the consequences for the UK's position in the global market for HE?  

These questions formed the basis of a formal inquiry by the House of Commons Education and Skills Select Committee on the Bologna Process, published in November. The committee also sought feedback on quality assurance systems in Europe, the possibility of implementing a European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) with a focus on learning outcomes and competencies, and degree classification reforms in light of Bologna.  

The committee is expected to report back to Parliament in time for the next biannual meeting of the Bologna ministers, in London in June. On the agenda for this meeting are doctoral studies and the external implications of the reformed European framework of qualifications.  

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