The RSC Education Division would like to invite chemistry teaching fellows in higher education to attend a meeting on 20 February at The Chemistry Centre, London
The RSC Education Division is inviting chemistry teaching fellows in higher education to attend a meeting on 20 February at The Chemistry Centre, London.
The aim of the meeting is to share best practice, promote networking and career development among teaching fellows. It will include presentations on developments in higher education at the RSC and getting your work published (given by Michael Seery, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland and RSC 2012 Higher Education Award winner). There will also be a session in which teaching fellows are offered the opportunity to give a short 10 minute oral bite presentation of their work.
The event, chaired by Tina Overton, will start at 11am and finish at 4pm. This is the first of a series of meetings that will occur twice a year to help meet the needs of chemistry teaching fellows in higher education.
To register, email Mario Moustras by 14 February.
Contact and Further Information
Dr Mario Moustras
Manager, Higher Education, Business and Industry
Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BA
Tel: +44 (0)20 7440 3388
Fax: +44 (0)20 7287 9825
Email: Dr Mario Moustras
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