Introducing the new RSC teacher fellows: Declan Fleming and Jacquie Robson

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Source: HEStem

The RSC's Teacher Fellowship scheme continues with two new fellows, funded through the National HE STEM Programme. 

Declan Fleming 

Declan began at the University of Bath in August and his work there will focus on the areas of assessment and the use of e-learning. 'I'm looking at assessment in various different formats', Declan says, 'ways that we can improve feedback using whiteboards or Twitter, through to what we do with data on a larger scale and how we can use that to better inform discussions with tutors about students' learning'. Declan is also eager to foster increased awareness of contemporary science in schools and hopes 'to set up a project with a local company to promote engagement with front-line scientific research'. 

Jacquie Robson 

At Durham University, Jacquie has wasted no time getting to grips with the problem-based learning (PBL) methods she will be trialling with the staff and students there. 'I'm working on introducing some PBL activities into the first year curriculum at Durham', Jacquie says, 'and possibly trying to develop some PBL activities for chemistry in schools'. Jacquie will also work on helping undergraduates develop independence in their attitude to learning: 'I've just finished designing pre-lab questions for the first year course to teach students how they should prepare for a laboratory class and I aim to continue this provision throughout the year'. 

Further Information

Those interested in the work of the teacher fellows and other aspects of the National HE STEM Programme can find out more at from the Education website. Declan and Jacquie will also be blogging on their progress on MyRSC.