Redox chemistry on a giant scale

Making steel

Source: Svetlovskiy/Shutterstock

Students from John Leggott Sixth Form College in Scunthorpe see redox chemistry on a giant scale at Corus steelworks during Chemistry Week

Around 100 chemistry students from John Leggott Sixth Form College in Scunthorpe got to see redox chemistry on a giant scale during two visits to the local steelworks at Corus, Scunthorpe.

Organised by the RSC's Southhumbria local section as part of Chemistry Week, the students toured the 2000 acre site in buses, disembarking along the way to learn about the steel-making process from preparation of the raw materials, through the Blast Furnaces, to the basic oxygen steel-making process and onto continuous casting of steel. Finally they watched Corus' premier steel product, 130 metre railway line, being rolled.  

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