Members (and non-member school teachers) can apply for grants of up to £2000 from the 2008 RSC Research Fund to support research or chemical education research

A scientist holing a test tube with a pound symbol in

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RSC could help fund your research

The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) is inviting applications from members (and non-member school teachers) for grants of up to £2000 from the 2008 Research Fund to assist, for example, in the purchase of chemicals or equipment for research or to fund running expenses of chemical education research. Any member or school teacher working in a higher education institution, college or school anywhere in the world will be considered on merit, but account will be taken of any other sources of financial aid available to applicants.  

Preference will be given to those working in less well-endowed institutions and to those supporting their own research. The RSC Council encourages those working in chemical education as well as in chemistry research to apply. Additional funds for 2008 are available to those working in developing countries and those engaged in analytical work. Inventive applications will be given special consideration and preference will be given to those able to cite collaborative research projects with other international institutions. 

Applications are limited to one per department and must be submitted through the head of department before 31 October 2007. For an application form and further information contact Stanley Langer at the Royal Society of Chemistry.