The Salters' Institute, in partnership with the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), will be holding 51 Salters' Festivals of Chemistry between March and June 2010

These one-day events, which are held at universities throughout the UK and the Republic of Ireland, aim to enthuse young students about chemistry and provide them with an the opportunity to visit an HE chemistry department and take part in hands-on practical activities.

Salters  chemistry festivals

Source: Salters' Institute

The festivals are open to school teams comprising four students from years 7 and/or 8 in England and Wales, years P7 and/or S1 in Scotland, year 8 in Northern Ireland and final-year primary school and/or year 1 secondary school in the Republic of Ireland. Participants will take part in a series of practical chemistry challenges and will get to see a demonstration lecture given by the department's staff. Prizes will be awarded to the winning schools in each of the day's challenges, and all students taking part will receive prizes and certificates. 

Places at the festivals are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. The closing date for entries is 31 January. Schools can apply online or contact the festivals administrator (Tel: 020-7628 5962 ext 224; e-mail:

Science technician awards

Readers of Education in Chemistry are invited to nominate their school science technicians for the 2010 Salters' National Awards for Science Technicians. Run by the Salters' Institute and now in their seventh year, these annual awards aim to acknowledge and raise awareness of the contribution that science technicians make to the well-being and success of school and college science departments. 

The awards are open to science technicians working in schools and colleges with students aged up to 18, and who have five or more years' experience (either full-time or part-time). The closing date for nominations is 1 March.  

For further information and a nomination form go to website or contact the publicity coordinator (Tel: 020-7628 5962 ext 260; e-mail: