Bristol ChemLabS at the University of Bristol invites science teachers to attend its first Festival of Contemporary Science in January

Diamonds on a plant

Source: Shutterstock

Grow your own diamonds!

Bristol ChemLabS at the University of Bristol is inviting science teachers to attend its first Festival of Contemporary Science on 30 January. Cosponsored by the Triple Science Network and the Science Learning Centre South West, with additional support from AIMS, Bristol University's Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Medical Sciences, the conference aims to give science teachers an opportunity to update their knowledge in areas of research that are touched on in the triple science GCSEs and many of the post-16 qualifications. 

The day's programme will include talks by Bristol chemists on How to detect the virtually undetectable in the atmosphereEarth's climate past and presentMicrowaves are not just for cookingNano-science - where the rubber meets the road; and Introduction to the chemical vapour deposition of diamond films, or grow your own diamonds!

During the day lecturers will also run workshops on topics ranging from scanning electron microscopy, earthquake engineering, smart materials, virtual microscopes, human patient simulators and instrumental analysis. Participants will have the chance to tour several of the university's laboratories and the conference will conclude with a talk from Bristol polymer physicist Professor Peter Barham on the science of taste and flavour.  

The cost for delegates will be £10 to cover the cost of lunch and refreshments. The conference is being held on a Saturday to allow as many science teachers as possible to participate without suffering from the limitations of the 'rarely cover' policy in schools. To book places or for further information visit the website or contact the Science Learning Centre South West (Tel: 0117-915 7257).