Students join a growing community

ChemNet members 'meet' the University of Newcastle

Since its launch in September 2006 some 1200 UK students have joined ChemNet

Since its launch in September 2006 some 1200 UK students have joined ChemNet, the Royal Society of Chemistry's (RSC) initiative for post-16 students studying chemistry. ChemNet aims to enthuse young people about studying chemistry at university and then to encourage them to pursue a career based upon studies in the chemical sciences.   

As ChemNet members, students receive regular mailings, which include the ChemNet newsletter, Chemistry World and InfoChem [selected articles now on EiC site]. Student members are also sent free RSC materials and careers advice, and they can access a discussion board on the RSC website where they can ask questions about their studies or chemistry and make contact with other ChemNet members.   

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