Teacher Fellows

Oxford university: Radcliffe Camera and All Souls College

Source: Skowronek/Shutterstock

The RSC Teacher Fellows have now completed their secondments funded by AstraZeneca, what have they been getting up to?

Roger Nixon (Oxford University)

Roger spent the majority of his time establishing an organised programme of outreach activity at Oxford University. Prior to Roger's secondment, the university had no such provision and requests from schools for visits/tours/lab time were dealt with on an ad hoc basis. As Oxford is a popular undergraduate choice, the scheme was developed with a view to preparing students for university rather than attracting applicants - activities and resources, while at all times curriculum-relevant, focused on delivering material at a university-standard level to give students an experience of course content and expectations at a world-class university.  

Outreach activities are now available through the newly created outreach section of the Oxford University chemistry department's website.These include lectures, tours of the facilities, laboratory sessions, study and revision sessions and in-school visits. He also set up a group of Oxford under- and postgraduate students known as The Alchemists to support the outreach programme beyond his fellowship. The Alchemists are available to visit schools in the area with workshops tailored at Key Stages 2-4. 

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