Three books in one

Cover of General, organic, and biochemistry. Connecting chemistry to your life

Clive Bullock reviews this useful resource for A-level students

General, organic, and biochemistry. Connecting chemistry to your life (2nd edn)

Ira Blei and George Odian 

Basingstoke: W. H. Freeman 2006 | Pp800 | £40.99 | ISBN0 716 74375 2 

As its name suggests, this is really three books in one and aims to provide a comprehensive, one-year course in general and organic chemistry and biochemistry for students of the biomedical and environmental sciences. The level is not specified but I would be happy if my first-year biomedical undergraduates were familiar with the topics covered in its 800 pages. The text is also accessible enough to make this a useful reference resource for A-level chemistry and biology students.  

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