The Young Scientists Journal has launched its 2012 photography prize
The competition is open to all students under 19 years old and photographs can be taken on any camera, phone or other device. The deadline for entries is 1 May 2012.
Participants must take a photo relating to a scientific theme. The categories for entries are 'Camouflage' (under 12s), 'Science behind the Olympics' (ages 12-15), 'The result of science' (ages 16-18) and 'Energy' (open to all under 19s). The first prize in the 'Energy' category is £150, and £75 in the other categories.
The journal is run by a group of students from King's School, Canterbury, led by the Head of Science, Christina Astin. It is an online science journal for 12-20 year olds, publishing articles and research written by their peers from across the world.
'The main thrust of the journal is to encourage science communication among young people', says Christina. '[Photography] is a way of looking at science from a rather different angle'.
For further details visit the Young Scientists Journal website.
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