A new year and a new volume of EiC

Karen J Ogilvie

Source: © Declan Fleming

Exciting developments ahead

We closed 2013 with a spectacular event held at the Chemistry Centre in London to mark Education in Chemistry’s 50th anniversary. The evening was attended by 75 guests and included a host of people who have supported, contributed to and worked on Education in Chemistry over the last 50 years, along with guest speaker, Bill Bryson. The evening was a true celebration of EiC’s achievements in supporting innovation in chemistry education and I was overwhelmed by the respect and goodwill that our community have for this magazine. You can find out more here: EiC's 50th anniversary.

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A photograph of a teacher standing in a white lab coat, speaking with a class of children in a laboratory, is superimposed on a colourful background. Text reads "Teach Chemistry means support for classroom and staff room".

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