Chemistry for 21st century

Cover of Chemistry for 21st century

Ben Faust reviews this text aimed at teachers, technicians and pupils

Twenty first century science: GCSE chemistry

University of York Science Education Group and Nuffield Curriculum Centre

Oxford: OUP 2006 | Pp272 | £17.00 | ISBN 0 199 15050 8

This is one of a range of textbooks, workbooks and CD-ROMs aimed at teachers, technicians, and pupils that are designed to cover a new suite of specifications developed by the Nuffield Curriculum Centre and the University of York Science Education Group in partnership with OCR and Oxford University Press. The book is an attractive paperback in full colour, with plenty of colourful photographs and diagrams. The text density on the pages is not high, and almost every page is broken up with colour illustrations. There is also a useful glossary. 

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A photograph of a teacher standing in a white lab coat, speaking with a class of children in a laboratory, is superimposed on a colourful background. Text reads "Teach Chemistry means support for classroom and staff room".

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