Chemistry inspiration: a complete guide to the women and role models who paved the way for women in STEM

Pioneering British Women Chemists book cover

Source: Book cover: © World Scientific; Cover image: © Shutterstock

Marelene Rayner-Canham and Geoff Rayner-Canham (authors)
2020 | 604 pages | £85 (ebook), £105 (hardcover)
DOI: 10.1142/q0228
ISBN: 978-1-78634-768-8 (hardcover)

Pioneering British women chemists neatly illuminates a forgotten history of female chemists – and this is not an overstatement. It contains a multitude of names, events and socio-economic interactions in the pursuit of women’s education and professional emancipation that are guaranteed to contain stories that readers will not have heard before.

Famed for their archival research and publications, the authors have painstakingly compiled this into a well-crafted and accessible format. If you were ever curious about the history of the Royal Society of Chemistry, there is a section on the contributions of women chemists to various learned societies, including the precursors to what is now the RSC.

It is easily a dip-in and dip-out type of read, allowing simple navigation

Teachers rejoice, there is a chapter dedicated to the women of the chemistry teaching profession. And if you’re looking for an encyclopedic collection of every type of inspiring female chemist to enthuse students or budding chemists – or a way to brush-up on knowledge that we all should know a lot more about – this book contains every story you will need. It is easily a dip-in and dip-out type of read, allowing simple navigation to specific areas of Britain, disciplines and professions. 

This book does not only focus on the struggle of those personalities who paved the way for women in STEM; there is brilliant emphasis on direct quotes and even poetry from the characters. A personal favourite on the topic of university high jinks: ‘you are addressing the new jazz-infected, bobbed and madcap daughters of this generation’.

‘You are addressing the new jazz-infected, bobbed and madcap daughters of this generation’

Unknown 1920s undergraduate

Besides highlighting the women who fought against an inherently male-dominated system and celebrating their supporters, this book also examines the events and the history surrounding their lives and endeavours. It pays particular note to the nations of the British Isles and gives equal contribution to those lost in history as to those names we are all so familiar with. A fantastic resource that has been excellently researched, I am sure it will remain an ageless tribute and reference work.

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