Chemistry for You

EiC217 - Review - Chemistry for You

My GCSE textbook of choice

My GCSE textbook of choice

Chemistry for You (5th edn)

Lawrie Ryan
Oxford University Press
2016 | 408 pages | £30 (PB)
ISBN 9780198375760

Chemistry for You has been updated for the 2016 (9–1) GCSE chemistry and international specifications. Having clung on to my 2001 copy as a lifeline to introduce essential chemical concepts throughout my teaching career, I welcome the 5th edition with open arms.

From the engaging and entertaining cover onwards, the book remains largely unchanged in character, being both accurate and accessible. I am pleased to report that the droll cartoons, puns and rhymes are all still present, alongside colourful graphics.

Naomi Hennah reviews the new edition, giving suggestions as to how best to utilise it.

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