Metacognition in science education

cover of Metacognition in science education: trends in current research

How can the teaching of metacognitive skills be achieved?

Metacognition in science education

Anat Zohar and Yehudit Dori (eds)

Springer 2012

280pp | £90 (HB)

ISBN 9789400721319

Metacognition, argue the authors of this interesting and well-timed book, is the third of three main implications for instruction that has emerged from 30 years of studying how people learn. The other two - a consideration of prior knowledge and a concentration of depth over breadth of content - are certainly further along the way of being integrated into science teaching.

This book aims to promote the teaching of metacognitive skills by providing both a useful theoretical introduction about metacognition and its role in science education, as well as several chapters of case studies from across the science disciplines.

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