Science in real-world contexts

GCSE additional applied Science: Book 1

James Oldham reviews this series of GCSE textbooks

GCSE Additional Applied Science: A1 - Life care; A2 - Agriculture and food; A4 - Harnessing chemicals 

University of York Science Education Group and Nuffield Curriculum Centre Oxford

OUP 2006 | Pp64 each | £8.50 each | ISBN 0 199 15026 5, 0 199 15027 3, 0 199 15029 X

This series of books covers a range of topics which links science to the real world. A central tenet of the Twenty first century science curriculum, this link is made up front in each book through examples of people who use science. Each text starts with three-five profiles of scientists in action. These colourful pages are illustrated with photos of the scientists at work and include a résumé of how science is used by each of them. 

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