The Wellcome Trust has published a report which shows that delivering interdisciplinary STEM activities in schools has a number of important advantages for students

A rainbow coloured kite

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Working together: making STEM happen in secondary schools is based on an initiative the Trust ran in Camden from 2009-2011. As a result of this scheme, pupils benefited from an increased interest in STEM study and careers, an increased understanding of the links between the STEM subjects and improved transferable skills such as communication, teamwork and problem solving.

The schools tackled the initiative using two broad approaches: delivering enrichment activities (such as holding a science week or club) and adapting schemes of work to make links between STEM subjects. The report presents a series of ideas developed in Camden that could be translated to schools elsewhere.

The participants found several important factors that were key to delivering successful STEM activities. These include senior leadership support, staff CPD, the appointment of a school STEM coordinator and providing a collaborative and open working environment. The report provides a number of ideas for overcoming these hurdles.

The report is available on the Wellcome Trust website.

Related Links

 Working Together: Making STEM happen in secondary schools 

Download the report from the Wellcome Trust website