Following the launch of Learn Chemistry in January, there are some exciting new updates and resources to come soon

Learn Chemistry screenshot

After 18 months in development, RSC Education launched Learn Chemistry, its one-stop shop for chemistry education, at the ASE and BETT conferences in January. The development continues.

Hundreds more resources from the RSC Education archive have been added. These include handouts, worksheets, videos, podcasts, interactive resources, and more. By the spring, Learn Chemistry will host almost double its launch list of resources. 

In response to feedback, users will notice many more changes. For example, search results are now ordered irrespective of resource type, so the most relevant and highest quality resources are displayed first. 

Other changes include an updated look and feel. Browsing and searching will be just as powerful, but navigation tools have been subtly adjusted to make the pages more accessible. 

Resource suggestions have poured in via Talk Chemistry. Ideas for organic mechanism fuzzy felt and games to teach the colours and reactions of transition metal complexes are just a few. Learn Chemistry will be shaped by its users and in the coming months there will be closer links between Talk Chemistry and Learn Chemistry

At the January launch events, teachers asked for more primary resources. Chemical science video demonstrations and a series of exciting radio programmes, all for primary users, will soon be available. 

Finally, the fabulous Learn Chemistry wiki is being extended. The wiki lets teachers and students contribute content, upload resources, create tests and find thousands of substance pages, taken directly from Chemspider's 26 million-strong database. There are also templates for users to create their own pages. 

Keep in touch through Talk Chemistry to say how you want Learn Chemistry to look, feel, and work. 

 Learn Chemistry 

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