The results from our survey into how chemistry teachers use social media

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In the May issue of Education in Chemistry we asked you to tell us how you use social media as a chemistry teacher. Thanks to everyone who responded. This is already helping us to improve how we provide the information you need, when you need it.

What do you use social media for? Results as a bar chart

It is really to interesting to know that 85% of you use some form of social media regularly, and that 78% use it to help support your teaching. Of those who don't, the reasons you gave included that you were worried about privacy and inappropriate content, it's not something you feel you need and it's a waste of time. The results we give here exclude those who said they don't use social media.

The most popular platform, the one you use at least monthly, is YouTube. However, on a daily basis you are more likely to use Facebook.

As for why you use social media, it's mainly for social and non-work related reasons. 78% of you use it for lesson ideas and resources and 76% to enhance your subject knowledge.

Some platforms are more popular than others when it comes to finding teaching resources and pedagogical advice.

Finally, you're more likely to access social media between 6pm and midnight.

When do you access social media? Results as a bar chart. 8pm-midnight is the most common time at weekends and on weekdays