Teaching stereochemistry 50 years on

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Behind the scenes of Education in Chemistry 50 years ago - Molecular shapes and new chemistry galleries at the Science Museum

Spotlight on volume 1

As we launch Education in Chemistry's  50th anniversary competition to design a chirality worksheet, I thought  you might be interested in an article I found in issue 3. It is A fragment of stereochemistry by G Baddeley from Manchester College of Science and Technology - transformed into University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) in 1966. 

The article is fairly comprehensive and covers far more concepts and details than could be considered in a single worksheet. Dr Baddeley considers the type of information on which our ideas about stereochemistry are based. It must be so much easier today to teach these concepts and for students to understand and visualise the shapes of these molecules and their bond angles with the modelling sets and IUPAC nomenclature we now use.

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