Ideas for your classroom and teaching from our May 2018 issue
If you’re short on time and want to use articles from the May 2018 issue of Education in Chemistry, try these suggestions:
- Stay on the pulse – draw inspiration for lesson context from the latest cutting-edge research
- Test formatively – personalise feedback with a post-test intervention sheet
- Revise effectively – encourage students to condense rather than copy information when taking notes
- Practice with new reactions – help students understand mechanisms rather than rote learn them
- Illustrate with physical models – pots of beads provide a hook for understanding mixtures
- Draw, don’t write – that’s what helps students memorise, research suggests
- Make students aware of their progress – low performers overpredict their marks
- Precision is not accuracy – pen, paper and a microwave can help you teach the difference
- Learn to say ‘no’ if it’s too much – consider your work–life balance, set boundaries and protect them
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