All Careers articles
Skills to succeed in the future chemical sciences workforce
What do learners need to master to thrive in the chemical sciences?
Here’s how to showcase science careers students can aspire to
Get learners to see a future in science by highlighting attributes and skills
STEM is an attractive career prospect for young women and girls
The key is to use clever ways to get them engaged early
RSC News
National Careers Week 2024
Use this opportunity to encourage your students to explore the many career opportunities available in the chemical sciences
RSC News
RSC-funded research sheds new light on teacher shortages
Qualitative study reveals causes of shortages and suggests steps to the address them
Paracetamol book | Using thin-layer chromatography to investigate the reactions
In this activity you investigate the purity and identity of your laboratory prepared samples of nitrophenol or paracetamol using thin-layer chromatography
Paracetamol book | Background information
Explore the key elements of paracetamol, and lay a strong foundation of background information.
How to teach atmospheric chemistry at 14–16
Use these guiding questions to guarantee student understanding of this tricky topic
Life cycle assessment of fast-food containers
Examining the environmental impact of single-use takeaway packaging
Life cycle assessment: shopping bags | 14–16 years
Slides, scaffolded worksheets and teacher notes to introduce learners to life cycle assessments using a real-world example
Tropical birds bear brunt of gold mining impact
Birds pay the environmental price for metal extraction
Enthalpy change of combustion of ethanol | practical videos | 14–16 years
Video and resources investigating the heat energy change of combustion of ethanol
Simple distillation | practical videos | 14–16 years
Video and resources showing how to separate water from a coloured solution
Paper chromatography | practical videos | 14–16 years
Video and resources showing how to separate colours in inks using paper chromatography
Rates of reaction | practical videos | 14–16 years
Video and resources showing how the concentration of sodium thiosulfate solution affects its rate of reaction with hydrochloric acid
Alloys of iron | steels
Discover how the different levels of carbon content in steel changes the properties and use of the steel
Textile conservation
Explore textile conservation as a context for practising organic and polymer chemistry.
Making new medicines | combinatorial chemistry
How do pharmacists create new medicines, and what role does the pharmaceutical industry play in chemical research? Find out with this resource.
Nanotechnology and smelly socks
Take a closer look at fabric fibres and the effect of bacteria decay. How does this contribute to smelly socks and what can nanotech do to help?
Nanosilver in medicine
Silver is known as a precious metal that is prized for jewellery, however it has medicinal properties that learners can explore with this resource.