A final visit to the archive …


Behind the scenes of Education in Chemistry 50 years ago ... and a vision of the future

As this is my final visit to the EiC archive, I thought I’d take a closer look at the beginning and end of volume 1 with the editorials from issue one and issue four.

EiC opens its very first issue with an editorial titled Scientists and Teachers. The editor, Dr F W Gibbs begins his article, ‘This journal has been launched with the avowed aim of improving the teaching and learning of chemistry at all levels.’ The core of our mission remains the same today as 50 years ago, although we now have the benefit of technology to help facilitate innovative teaching and sharing. As EiC has developed over the years I am confident that Dr Gibbs would be pleased to see that we continue to share and deliver his vision. The overall quality and direction of this publication continues to be guaranteed by members of its Editorial Board – members of the chemistry teaching profession. 

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